11 things you'll learn while backpacking Eastern Europe

Norm Longley

written by
Norm Longley

updated 26.02.2019

Eastern Europe has become a popular, mysterious even, destination for the intrepid backpacker. While it’s undoubtedly impressive in its diversity, there are a number of universal lessons that every traveller will learn at some point during their time here.

As you embark upon a trip to this huge swathe of the continent, richly textured by history and nature, here are some life-enhancing lessons you might learn from backpacking Eastern Europe.

1. It’s bigger than you think

Don’t underestimate the size of the area you are about to tackle; while a four-week mega tour hitting the likes of Bratislava, Kyiv, Sofia and Tirana looks doable on paper, you’ll spend much of that time slumming it on buses and trains, or at the stations.

It’s quite simple really: take your time and choose your destinations carefully.

When choosing the Albanian capital for your backpacking trip, check out our guide to the best things to do in Tirana.

Bridge river, Bratislava, Slovakia © Juro Kovacik/Shutterstock

© Juro Kovacik/Shutterstock

2. It gets hot

If you're travelling in summer, anything below 35ºC (95ºF) is considered cold, particularly the further south you go. So get those flip-flops out, slip on the shades and slap on the sun cream. But be warned, when it rains here, it rains hard.

3. Drinking is a serious business

Eastern Europeans know how to drink, and so will you by the time you return home. Sure, Czech pilsner is excellent and Polish wódka is delicious, but the universal tipple of choice is slivovica, a throat-curdling fruit brandy, be it pálinka from Hungary, rakija from Serbia, or tuica from Romania.

4. Some places really are the pits

“Ali to je rupa!” (which roughly translates as “but it’s a hole!”). Whilst not as commonplace as they used to be, you may still chance upon the odd smelly hole in the ground in which you’re required to answer nature’s call. Keep some loo roll handy and get practising those squats…

Dealing with the complexities of your first trip to Europe? Our comprehensive planning guide will simplify the process and ensure you are well-prepared.

5. A little language goes a long way

You can try using English, but attempting a little of the local lingo will go a very long way indeed, particularly somewhere like Hungary, which is a different kettle of linguistic fish altogether…“hol van a WC?!

Train in Romania

6. Trains are not what they are back home

What, do you mean they’re clean, efficient and on time? Er, no. Quite the opposite. Indeed, in some countries – Serbia immediately springs to mind – a purgatorial experience awaits. Still, it’s all part of the adventure, isn’t it?

7. Oafish officials are the norm

Interminable waits at border crossings and dealings with boorish customs officers in the dead of night are almost a thing of the past, but there may still be the odd occasion when you’ll be required to rummage through your luggage in search of non-existent paperwork.

8. You’ll need to gen up on your currencies

Forget the euros (except for Slovakia), this is the region of the leu, the lek and the lev. Though somewhat confusingly – and unofficially – they do use euros in Montenegro and Kosovo.

10. The food is really rather good

It’s not all beetroot broth and dumplings, you know. Whether gobbling gulyás in Budapest or chomping on ćevapčići in Sarajevo, the cuisine may come as something of a welcome surprise.

For the record, Budapest currently rates four Michelin-starred restaurants, the most of any city hereabouts – not that most backpackers will be able to afford it.

11. You’ll be back

Aside from the fact that you’ll only have time to cover a fraction of this chunk of Europe, there are many compelling reasons to return.

A deeply complex history, wildly contrasting landscapes, and the wonderfully warm and welcoming nature of just about everyone you encounter mean that you’ll be aching to get back. One visit simply isn’t enough.

Choosing Europe as your backpacking destination? Our list of backpacking travel tips for Europe can help you prepare.

Explore more of Eastern Europe with the Rough Guide to Europe on a Budget. Compare flights, find tours, book hostels and hotels for your trip, and don’t forget to buy travel insurance before you go.

Top image © Miroslava Durcatova/Shutterstock

Norm Longley

written by
Norm Longley

updated 26.02.2019

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